TAD Unveils Redesigned Website, Logo – Jan. 15, 2015

JAN. 15, 2015

Contact: Kirsten Voinis
(512) 922-7141 or kvoinis@kvoinis.com


The Texas Association of Dairymen (TAD) has launched a new website and logo, as well as expanded its social media presence to Twitter. These online tools will better help TAD fulfill its mission to advocate on the state dairy industry’s behalf with the Texas Legislature and other governmental and regulatory bodies, as well as inform its dairy members, the public and media.

“The Texas Association of Dairymen decided a new year and a new legislative session were the perfect time to give our website and logo a fresh, more modern look,” said TAD Executive Director Darren Turley. “We also recently expanded our social media to include Twitter in addition to our Facebook page. We encourage Texans to check out TAD online and learn more about the state’s thriving dairy industry.”

TAD’s updated website retains its address – www.milk4texas generic viagra in usa.org — but has been redesigned to be viewed more easily on tablets, phones and other mobile devices. Even though the new website has a more streamlined look, the site features expanded information including latest dairy industry news of interest, TAD newsletters and other media, and TAD’s positions on important public policy issues facing the dairy industry.

“TAD is most proud of the website’s interactive map, which allows users to pull up a snapshot of dairy industry data specific to each Texas county and Texas House and Senate district,” Turley said. “We think this data will give Texans and lawmakers a better picture of how dairy producers and processors play a role in their local communities and economies.”

TAD’s new logo is a more modern representation of the dairy industry and symbolizes a splash of milk across the state of Texas.

“Milk is the foundation of a statewide industry with a diverse group of producers who raise a variety of breeds of cows and ultimately produce a number of products in addition to milk, such as cheese, yogurt and ice cream,” Turley said.

TAD’s Twitter account joins its existing presence on Facebook. TAD can be found on Facebook at www.facebook.com/texasdairy or Twitter @TXDairymen.

“TAD is always looking for new ways to communicate about the Texas dairy industry,” Turley said. “Twitter is just the latest addition to our outreach tools that also include Facebook, our newsletter, email alerts and our website.”


The Texas Association of Dairymen (www.texasdairy.org) is a non-profit corporation comprised of dairy cooperatives whose members are individual milk producers in Texas. You can follow TAD on Facebook at www.facebook.com/texasdairy or Twitter @TXDairymen.



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