The Texas dairy industry feeds local, state and national economies.

  • 289 Grade
    A dairies

  • 642,000 cows

  • 16.6 billion pounds of milk

    (more than 1.9 billion gallons) produced annually

  • 8.2 gallons
    per day

    Each cow produces an average of more than 8 gallons per day.

  • 3rd in the

    Texas ranks 3rd nationally in milk production.

Texas dairy delivers:

  • $53.8 billion total economic impact
  • 258,000 total jobs
  • $14.3 billion in wages
  • $3% Texas GDP contribution
  • $1.62 billion paid in local and state taxes
  • $2.8 billion paid in federal taxes
  • $724.3 million in exports


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