
The Texas Association of Dairymen is the voice for Texas dairy farmers at the Texas Capitol and state regulatory agencies. Our experienced governmental relations team promotes policies that protect and further the ability of dairy farmers to keep feeding Texans with safe, wholesome food – and vigorously fights proposals that threaten the industry.

Recent advocacy initiatives include:
Expanding options for the safe disposal of surplus milk in emergency situations when the milk supply chain is disrupted. (HB 692, 88th) -
Creating “Right to Farm” protections for agriculture operations. (HB 1750, 88th) -
Upholding pasteurization requirements for the sale of milk, except in limited situations. -
Feeding even more hungry Texans by increasing the flow of milk transported from farm to processor. (SB 1383, 85th) -
Adding protections for producers’ proprietary information included in plans filed with state agencies (HB 3257, 88th)
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