By Darren Turley
TAD Executive Director
The new year is off to a fast start, from natural disasters such as the massive wildfires in California, to the start of a new Texas legislative session, to a new administration taking charge in Washington, D.C.
The incoming president’s ongoing discussion of immigration reform is a very unsettling topic for agriculture producers. There are serious concerns about the impact on legal immigration, including those who are here on work visas who come to work in agriculture industries. This could put the nation’s food supply at risk. With Texas’ size and its reliance on agriculture’s contributions to the economy, the impact could be even greater in Texas than in most states.
Another concern is what seems to be some’s support of consuming unpasteurized (raw) milk, including by the Health and Human Services Secretary-nominee.
The Texas Association of Dairymen (TAD) agrees with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that consuming unpasteurized (raw) milk is a serious health risk. You can learn more on our website.
On a positive note, 2025 also has seen the grand opening of the new 850,000 square foot Leprino plant in Lubbock, which has accepted its first loads milk to test plant operations and start producing mozzarella cheese and whey. When the plant is fully operational by 2026, Texas dairy farmers in the region will have a new outlet for about 200 truckloads of milk daily. At that point, the company estimates it will process 8 million pounds of milk and 1.5 million pounds of cheese each day.
Texas remains the nation’s third largest milk producing state in the country. As our milk production continues to grow, this new processing plant is welcome addition for the Texas dairy industry.
Speaking of the Texas Legislature, the 89th session gaveled in on Tuesday, Jan. 14. TAD’s government relations staff continues to analyze the more than 2,500 bills already filed since November and is walking the Capitol hallways to meet new legislators and staff and introduce them to the dairy industry and our issues. Be sure and read our team’s legislative report in this newsletter for more details.
According to reports, H5N1 (avian bird flu) outbreaks have largely passed over Texas, although other states are still dealing with the disease. California alone has over 700 infected herds. 2025 will hold many questions about the ongoing outbreak of this disease in both poultry and dairy operations.
Lastly, please take time to say a prayer for the California families that have lost their homes in the tragic wildfires that have destroyed so much property. Texas has had large wildfires, but never in such a densely populated area. This devastation will be felt by so many families, communities and the state of California.