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Giving thanks for our allies at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
By Darren Turley, executive director
November brings the start of the holiday season. This time of year inspires reflection on what we are thankful for, and one thing I think the dairy industry should be thankful for is Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and its personnel who are based across the state.
I have had the opportunity this fall to speak to different groups of AgriLife Extension agents across the state about current dairy industry issues and the continued advancements on the farm. It was refreshing to see their interest in the ongoing growth of the dairy industry in Texas.
These county agents are the voice of agriculture on many topics to consumers of our products. Their ability to provide information to Texans about the dairy industry is time well spent. The number of counties with dairy production has declined over the years, but the agents in those counties have worked diligently to help dairy farmers.
For example, county agents in Erath, Comanche and Hamilton counties worked hard to ensure a Central Texas dairy field day could be held, and that it was a huge success. Thanks to their efforts, the event drew more than 400 attendees from across the state to the Kuiper family dairy.
Texas dairy producers rely extensively on two dedicated AgriLife Extension dairy specialists – Dr. Jennifer Spencer in Central Texas and Dr. Juan Piñeiro based in the Panhandle. These two are great assets to producers, helping them with so many issues on the farm, including cow health, education and research.
Last month, the first joint meeting between Texas and New Mexico Extension dairy staff was held in Canyon to meet with industry representatives, discuss current issues and build relationships between Extension staff in both states.
As you can see, there is a lot to be thankful for in the AgriLife Extension program as it relates to the dairy industry. These hardworking individuals are a true asset to our industry and your dairy operation. Please thank these women and men when you see any of them out and about.
As always, the Texas Association of Dairymen is thankful for Texas dairy farmers, our consumers, and all who help make the dairy industry great in Texas.